Outline for projects currently this week: Help expand with Project Donate COVID-19
COVID-19 Project Donate By Richart Ruddie Showcases Where You Can Help Make a Donation
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[ ] This time last year I was in Indio California in the Coachella valley. This time in April 2020 I'm holed up working on projects. The future is bright we just need to get through this blip in history that we will look back at in 50 years and say remember that time we were all quarantined across the world to lower the breakout of influenza. What a difference a year makes they say but this time around I think we can even say what a difference a month makes.
Today Richart Ruddie learned that DJ's are doing more virtual sets to make up for the lack of real life events. UFC owner Dana White is looking to setup a private island to host international UFC fights as travel issues to the USA are going to be held up due to COVID-19, and Major League Baseball is considering doing an isolated league in Arizona to start the season next month in May of 2020.
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